We focus on attracting and retaining qualified employees who will help us achieve our business objectives. We invest in our employees through talent management, training and development, and support their well-being through wellness programs.

We seek to foster work environments in which our employees can flourish, enabling them to collaboratively and optimally contribute to our success as a company. We want our employees to feel valued, take pride in our Company, embody the Pan American Silver values, and share our success.

Plans, Programs & Initiatives

  • Site-level training programs to both employees and contractors provide the necessary skills and development opportunities to meet site-specific, current, and future needs.
  • Competitive compensation and benefits, and investment in employee development.
  • PAAS Listens provides a mechanism for our employees to voice concerns, provide feedback, or raise grievances directly with Human Resources.

2024 Goals

  • Graduate 100 employees from our Leadership Development Program (# of employees completing two modules).

2023 Sustainability Report

Our 2023 Sustainability Report is pre­­pared in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standard. It also contains information in consideration of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting framework.