Our Strategy & Approach

Our Tailings Management Framework sets clear accountabilities and responsibilities, and supports safe and efficient planning, implementation, monitoring, and review of critical facilities.

Corporate and site-specific tailings management systems and associated processes incorporate the actions necessary to verify that all critical facilities have quality designs, sound dam safety practices, comprehensive risk management, and effective emergency response and preparedness systems, and that we continue to work towards meeting or exceeding current best practices and industry standards.

We also follow local regulations and best practices to manage, measure and monitor the generation and disposal of industrial and domestic non-mineral waste, and we adopt site-level operational procedures to reduce waste and lessen impacts on the environment and communities.

Plans, Programs & Initiatives

  • Site-specific tailings management systems, aligned with the MAC Tailings Management Framework, guide the approach for each site to incorporate and manage the Operational, Maintenance and Surveillance (OMS) activities, comply with regulatory requirements, and meet the CDA Dam Safety Guidelines.
  • Best practices are followed during construction of our tailings and heap leach facilities and accepted quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) procedures are also followed to verify construction activities are meeting design and construction specifications set by the design engineer for the facility.
  • Site-specific emergency response plans (ERP) help minimize consequences of a tailings storage facility spill or failure.
  • Drills and emergency simulations are conducted regularly to train our employees on emergency procedures.

2024 Goals

  • Implement projects and initiatives to reduce non-recycled and/or non-reused non-rock waste by 860 t, which represents approximately 6% of the 2024 base case.(2)

(1) The 2023 base case is our projected 2023 waste generation, as calculated using our life of mine plans adjusted for annual production guidance.
(2) The 2024 base case is our projected 2024 waste generation, as calculated using our life of mine plans adjusted for annual production guidance.

2023 Sustainability Report

Our 2023 Sustainability Report was pre­­pared in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standard. It also contains information in consideration of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting framework.