We focus on attracting and retaining qualified employees who will help us achieve our business objectives. We invest in our employees through talent management, training and development, and support their well-being through wellness programs.

We seek to foster work environments in which our employees can flourish, enabling them to collaboratively and optimally contribute to our success as a company. We want our employees to feel valued, take pride in our Company, embody the Pan American Silver values, and share our success.

Plans, Programs & Initiatives

  • Site-level training programs to both employees and contractors provide the necessary skills and development opportunities to meet site-specific, current, and future needs.
  • Competitive compensation and benefits, and investment in employee development.
  • PAAS Listens provides a mechanism for our employees to voice concerns, provide feedback, or raise grievances directly with Human Resources.

2024 Goals

  • Graduate 100 employees from our Leadership Development Program (# of employees completing two modules).

2023 Relatório de Sustentabilidade

Nosso Relatório de Sustentabilidade de 2023 foi preparado de acordo com as normas da Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) e com o padrão do Conselho de Normas Contábeis de Sustentabilidade (SASB). Ele também contém informações relativas à estrutura de relatórios da Força-Tarefa sobre Divulgações Financeiras Relacionadas ao Clima (TCFD).