Partnering with governments can be a powerful way of advancing projects to benefit local communities. In Peru, a tax incentive program allows companies to recover 50% of the expenditures made on public infrastructure projects from their taxes. The goal is to encourage private investment in infrastructure projects that improve public services, thereby supporting regional economic development and employment. Projects must be approved by the Regional or Municipal government and the National Public Investment Office.

Pan American’s Shahuindo and La Arena operations are participating in this program, helping to fund the following projects:

  • Road improvement in the San Marcos district (Shahuindo)
  • Construction of two schools in Cachachi (Shahuindo)
  • Construction of a Health Centre in Cajabamba (Shahuindo)
  • Construction of a Health Centre in Huamachuco (Shahuindo)
Public Works for Taxes Commemoration Plaque

2023 Reporte de Sostenibilidad

Nuestro Reporte de Sostenibilidad 2023 se elaboró de acuerdo con las normas de la Iniciativa de Reporte Global (GRI) y la norma del Consejo de Normas de Contabilidad de la Sostenibilidad (SASB). También contiene información en consideración del marco de información del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Divulgación Financiera Relacionada con el Clima (TCFD).