Sobre nós

Abordagem de gestão de ESG
Operamos de maneira ética e aplicamos práticas comerciais sustentáveis em todo o ciclo de vida da mineração com o objetivo de criar valor para nossas Comunidades de Interesse (COIs).

Direitos humanos
Na Pan American Silver, o respeito aos direitos humanos tem orientado nossas relações com as COIs, especialmente as comunidades locais, ao longo da nossa história de operações nas Américas.

Políticas e compromissos
A Pan American Silver adotou políticas, padrões e diretrizes que articulam a maneira como se espera que nossos diretores, executivos e colaboradores se comportem e orientem nossos negócios.
Our Commitment to the UN SDGs
In 2023, we have aligned the objectives of eight prioritized SDGs with our 2023 Sustainability Goals, which will drive our performance and maximize positive impact in these areas.
Here you’ll find a few of these SDG highlights. To see all of our commitments to the UN SDGs, please click the link below.
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Mining can contribute to SDG3 by championing occupational health and safety, offering and encouraging preventative care, mitigating the spread of disease, and increasing mental health awareness in our COI communities.
Learn more about how we’re working on SDG3 on our UN Sustainable Development Goals page.
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
As a historically male-dominated industry, mining can contribute to this SDG by offering equal opportunities for women and practising gender inclusion across the business and project life cycle.
Learn more about how we’re working on SDG5 on our UN Sustainable Development Goals page.
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
Through improving energy efficiency and incorporating renewable energy, the mining industry can make a significant contribution to SDG7.
Learn more about how we’re working on SDG7 on our UN Sustainable Development Goals page.
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
The mining industry can contribute to SDG8 by providing well-paid direct and indirect jobs. In particular, mining can contribute to the economic outcomes of local communities by supporting and procuring from local suppliers.
Learn more about how we’re working on SDG8 on our UN Sustainable Development Goals page.
Target urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Mining companies can contribute to SDG13 by reducing emissions, building climate change resilience, and recognizing climate change in planning and investment.
Learn more about how we’re working on SDG13 on our UN Sustainable Development Goals page.