Sobre nós
A Pan American Silver fornece uma exposição aumentada à prata por meio de grandes reservas de prata e catalisadores, para fazer crescer a produção de prata.
Pan American Silver recognizes the importance of biodiversity to preserve ecosystems. Our goal is to minimize net habitat loss over the full mining cycle at each of our operations, and return land disturbed by our activities to as close to its natural state as possible. All our sites have biodiversity conservation management plans.
At our Escobal operation in Guatemala, a baseline study was established in 2009, before the mine was constructed, that determined the presence of different species of wild cats within the property, specifically Yaguarundis, Ocelots and Tigrillos.
In order to protect the habitat of these feline species, Pan American Silver:
PAS Guatemala received an award from the Chamber of Industry of Guatemala for its work in protecting feline species within the Escobal property.