Our Strategy & Approach

We undertake efforts to promote biodiversity conservation and rehabilitation in the areas where we operate. Our Environmental Policy establishes our commitment not to explore or develop mines in internationally designated protected areas.

We design, construct, and operate with the intention of minimizing our impacts on biodiversity throughout the mine lifecycle in order to preserve biodiversity and protect surrounding ecosystems for future generations.

We employ a biodiversity conservation system, as part of a site-wide environmental management system, rooted in a mitigation hierarchy framework that first seeks to avoid all potential impacts on biodiversity, and then seeks to minimize, restore, or offset unavoidable impacts.

Plans, Programs and Initiatives

  • Biodiversity management systems help sites manage biodiversity impacts during construction, operation, and closure. This includes species identification and monitoring activities, and may include relocation programs for certain flora and fauna species.
  • Biodiversity and community impact assessments are conducted prior to construction in new areas or developing new projects in order to identify threats to biodiversity from our operations.
  • Progressive reclamation restores biodiversity through rehabilitating disturbed areas no longer required for mining activities.

2024 Goals

  • Achieve 55 hectares of revegetation across all our operations.

2023 Sustainability Report

Our 2023 Sustainability Report is pre­­pared in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standard. It also contains information in consideration of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting framework.