Our Strategy & Approach

Water management considerations are integrated into mine operation and closure plans, and we engage with Communities of interest (COIs) within our catchment areas to gain deeper understanding of operational impacts on water, and to understand how we can best respect and uphold their water rights while improving access to water when possible.

Plans, Programs, and Initiatives

  • Water baseline studies are conducted prior to mining to identify catchment or district-level water availability and quality.
  • Water balances track site-level water use, reuse, and discharge quantities.
  • Water management systems help sites manage contact and non-contact water to comply with permit requirements and where water discharges exist, to mitigate potential negative downstream water impacts.
  • Training is provided to employees and contractors involved in water management.

2024 Goals

  • Implement projects and initiatives to reduce water withdrawn for use by 108,000m3, which represents approximately 0.7% of the 2024 base case (2).

(1) The 2023 base case is our projected 2023 water use, as calculated using our life of mine plans adjusted for annual production guidance.
 (2) The 2024 base case is our projected 2024 water use, as calculated using our life of mine plans adjusted for annual production guidance.

2023 Relatório de Sustentabilidade

Nosso Relatório de Sustentabilidade de 2023 foi preparado de acordo com as normas da Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) e com o padrão do Conselho de Normas Contábeis de Sustentabilidade (SASB). Ele também contém informações relativas à estrutura de relatórios da Força-Tarefa sobre Divulgações Financeiras Relacionadas ao Clima (TCFD).