Our Strategy & Approach

We start planning for closure in the design phase of a new project and actively engage with and gather input from local communities. government, and other COIs during the entire mining lifecycle.

Each operation has a closure plan, which is updated throughout the mine lifecycle to incorporate technical, environmental, or social considerations, to meet new regulatory requirements, and to respond to COI engagement.

Plans, Programs, and Initiatives

  • Closure plans establish the relevant technical, environmental, social, and financial aspects of each mine closure.
  • Progressive closure entails reclaiming disturbed land and waste rock facilities once they are no longer required by our operations.

2024 Goals

  • Complete 44 hectares of cover installation on waste dumps at Alamo Dorado.
  • Conduct interim reclamation projects at our active operations.

2023 Relatório de Sustentabilidade

Nosso Relatório de Sustentabilidade de 2023 foi preparado de acordo com as normas da Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) e com o padrão do Conselho de Normas Contábeis de Sustentabilidade (SASB). Ele também contém informações relativas à estrutura de relatórios da Força-Tarefa sobre Divulgações Financeiras Relacionadas ao Clima (TCFD).