Our Strategy & Approach

Our approach to climate change is to analyze potential transitional impacts to our long-term business plans and to embed carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2Eq) emission reduction initiatives into our governance and operational decision-making process in order to establish informed and realistic targets that are aligned with climate science and commitments by the countries where we operate.

Since 2020, we adopted the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosure’s (TCFD) framework reporting recommendations with an aim to progressively improve the quality and transparency of our climate-related disclosures.

We are committed to taking actions that will help us achieve our aspirational objective of net zero carbon dioxide equivalent emissions by 2050. We are also committed to reduce our global scope 1 and scope 2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission by at least 30% by 2030 (from a 2019 baseline emissions).

plans, programs, AND Initiatives

  • Ongoing risk assessments to ensure the Company remains well informed on its physical and transition risks as climate models are updated and refined.
  • Set periodic goals to reduce CO2Eq, invest in connections with the grid to reduce direct fuel consumption, drive the transition to renewable energy sources.
  • Develop projects and initiatives that improve energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions, evaluate and incorporate low-emissions technologies.

2024 Goals

  • Implement projects and initiatives to reduce energy use by 23,000 GJ, which represents approximately 0.3% of the 2024 base case.(2)
  • Implement projects and initiatives to reduce GHG emissions by 2,000t CO2Eq which represents approximately 0.5% of the 2024 base case.(2)

We are committed to reducing our global scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emission estimates by at least 30% by 2030 (from the amended 2019 baseline emissions, including the Acquired Mines).

(1) The 2023 base case is our projected 2023 GHG emissions and energy use, as calculated using our life of mine plans adjusted for annual production guidance.

(2) The 2024 base case is our projected 2024 GHG emissions and energy use, as calculated using our life of mine plans adjusted for annual production guidance.

2023 Relatório de Sustentabilidade

Nosso Relatório de Sustentabilidade de 2023 foi preparado de acordo com as normas da Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) e com o padrão do Conselho de Normas Contábeis de Sustentabilidade (SASB). Ele também contém informações relativas à estrutura de relatórios da Força-Tarefa sobre Divulgações Financeiras Relacionadas ao Clima (TCFD).